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Meditation for Beginners: Tips and Guidance

Every meditation is your own experience and everyone's experience is different. When you meditate you are going to get thoughts, feelings, memories, or even pictures in your minds eye. Honor these things they are aiding you and guiding to your higher self and towards enlightenment. Don't stress yourself out about trying to "clear your mind" these things are bound to happen. Meditation is a form of healing and in my opinion is a kind of path or journey you embark on to help you get over traumas, repressed thoughts/emotions, and to help you seek clarity and understanding. When I first started meditating I listened to a lot of guided meditations. These were extremely helpful because they allow you to focus on one voice while helping you learn how to listen to your own. When you are first developing a new hobby or skill you want to make sure stick to a set schedule that isn't too demanding. I would say if you're just beginning try to meditate at least three times a weeks. Slowly but surely you body will become adjusted and you will naturally go into your meditative states you've scheduled before. Making it easier for you to follow your routine. Another huge meditation I love is color meditation. I find healing with color a very beautiful practice. Using certain colors to heal certain chakras really can make a difference in your meditation. You can simply put the color associated with which chakra you are working on, on the computer screen or get color changing light bulbs and find music or frequency sounds associated with said chakra and you've begun to meditate with color. You can even incorporate crystals to enhance your meditation and aid in the process of your alignment. Breathing is also a very important aspect of meditation. When meditating make sure you are comfortable. If you prefer to lay down you can. A lot of the time during guided meditations they will try to instruct on how you should breathe but you do not always have to follow this. This is your experience so do what puts you at ease. There are so much you can do with mediation so remember to make it unique to you and tailor it to your needs.

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